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nEUROcare Conference 2023

International Conference on neurodegenerative disorders (nEUROcare 2023) was held successfully on 9th and 10th of February 2023 at the Auditorium, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. This was held under the nEUROcare project and was hosted by University of Colombo. The conference was chaired by Prof. Sudath Warnakulasuria, Dean, Faculty of Nursing, University Colombo, Sri Lanka. The theme of the conference was “Expanding the Horizen for Neurocare in Sri Lanka”. The Chief Guest of this conference was Professor Håkan Pihl, Vice Chancellor of the Kristianstad University, Sweden and Dr. Asela Gunawardena, Director General of Health Services was the Guest of Honor. Prof. H. D. Karunarathne, Vice-Chancellor of University of Colombo, Prof. Sujeewa Amarasena, Vice-Chancellor of University of Ruhuna, Prof. M.D. Lamawansha, Vice Chancellor of University of Peradeniya, Major General Milinda Peiris, Vice-Chancellor of the General Sir John Kotelawala Defense University, Directors from the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka and distinguished invitees from reputed healthcare institutions in Sri Lanka participated at the inauguration. About 30 participants from five European Universities including Kristianstad University Sweden, Tatu University Estonia, University of Ljubljana Slovenia, University of Nepolis Cyprus  and Triskelion  Research Organization Norway participated for the conference.  From the Sri Lankan partner Universities (University of Colombo, University of Ruhuna, University of Peradeniya and Kotalawala Defence University) about 20 project members and 40 undergraduates from each university participated. More than 420 health care professionals representing all main hospitals in Sri Lanka also participated. Majority of them were nurses. The participants were lucky enough to listen to an informative keynote speech on neurodegenerative disorders by Prof. Zvezdan Pirtošek, University of Ljubljana, who is a Professor of neuroscience, expert and researcher in this specialized field. It was very comprehensive presentation and inspirational speech. Expert panel of speakers from European Union and Sri Lankan partner universities of nEUROcare project delivered imperative aspects of managing a patient with neurodegenerative disorders while focusing more the evidenced-based care and rehabilitation. Young researchers from Sri Lanka and European Union were able to present and disseminate the findings of their research project focused on the neurocare at this prestigious event. A panel discussion on ‘Future of Neurodegenerative Disorders in Sri Lanka” was held finally with the participation of Sri Lankan healthcare experts including Dr. Kapila Ranasinghe, Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, National Institute of Mental Health, Dr. Chamila Dalpadatu, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Dr. Indika Mudalige, Senior Lecturer, Kotalawala Defense University and Prof. Manoji Pathirage, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya. This session was moderated by Professor Zvezdan Pirtošek, University of Ljubljana and Prof. Steve Smith, Triskeion, Norway. It was an interesting and interactive session mainly focused on current and future trends of neuro-degrative disorders and Sri Lankan and European perspective regarding the challenges and strategies to overcome the challenges. Positive feedback was expressed for the entire conference by the healthcare students and professionals that marked the successful ending of and inculcation of new ideas and new knowledge related to the neurocare. The conference will eventually be a landmark in the Sri Lankan healthcare industry and education while it marking a great milestone in the nEUROcare project.

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