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MARUŠIČ, Uroš, PESKAR, Manca, DE PAUW, Kevin, OMEJC, Nina, DREVENŠEK, Gorazd, ROJC, Bojan, PIŠOT, Rado, KAVCIC, Voyko. (2022) Neural bases of age-related sensorimotor slowing in the upper and lower limbs. Frontiers in aging neuroscience. May 2022, vol. 14, art. 819576. 1-13. DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.819576.
DISHA IBRAHIMI, Saranda, FURLANI, Borut, DREVENŠEK, Gorazd, HUDOKLIN, Samo, MARC, Janja, PRODAN ŽITNIK, Irena, SAJOVIC, Jakob, DREVENŠEK, Martina (2022) Olanzapine decreased osteocyte maturation and Wnt/β-catenin signaling during loading of the alveolar bone in rats. Bosnian journal of basic medical sciences. 2022. DOI: 10.17305/bjbms.2022.7523.
T Košir, J Sajovic, M Grošelj, A Fidler, G Drevenšek, P Selič-Zupančič (2021) Real-life dental examination elicits physiological responses different to visual and auditory dental-related stimuli. PloS one 16, 6, 1-19;
Ibrahimi Disha, B. Furlani, G. Drevensek, A. Plut, M. Yanagisawa, S. Hudoklin, I. Prodan Žitnik, J. Marc, M. Drevensek (2020) The role of endothelin B receptor in bone modelling during orthodontic tooth movement: a study on ETB knockout rats. Sci Rep 10, 14226.
Roviš D, Vasiljev V, Jenko-Pražnikar Z, Petelin A, Drevenšek G, Peruč D, Černelič-Bizjak M. (2019). Mental health and drug use severity: the role of substance P, neuropeptide Y, self-reported childhood history of trauma, parental bonding and current resiliency. J Ment Health. 26:1-9.
Roviš D, Černelič Bizjak M, Vasiljev Marchesi V, Petelin A, Jenuš T, Vidic S, Drevenšek G, Jenko Pražnikar Z. (2018). Increased Risk-Taking Behaviour and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Val66Met Polymorphism Correlates to Decreased Serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Level in Heroin Users. Eur Addict Res.24(4):189-200.
Drevenšek G, Lunder M, Tavčar Benković E, Mikelj A, Štrukelj B, Kreft S. (2015). Silver fir (Abies alba) trunk extract protects guinea pig arteries from impaired functional responses and morphology due to an atherogenic diet. Phytomedicine, 22 (9), 856-861. doi: 10.3402/fnr.v60.29623.
Škrlj N, Drevenšek G, Hudoklin S, Romih R, Čurin-Šerbec V, Dolinar M. (2013). Recombinant single-chain antibody with the trojan peptide penetratin positioned in the linker region enables cargo transfer across the blood-brain barrier. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 169 (1), 159-169. doi: 10.1007/s12010-012-9962-7.
Lunder M, Žiberna L, Janić M, Jerin A, Skitek M, Šabovič M, Drevenšek G. (2013). Low-dose atorvastatin, losartan, and particularly their combination, provide cardiovascular protection in isolated rat heart and aorta. Heart and vessels, 28 (2), 246-254. doi: 10.1007/s00380-012-0259-0.
2021-2024 – nEUROcare – a European initiative for capacity building to meet the challenges of caring for people with neurodegenerative disorders in Sri Lanka (Erasmus+: Higher Education – International Capacity Building),
2020-2023 – Involvement of PACAP in Alzheimer disease and depression: a postmortem human brain study, National research project, Faculty of Medicine, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
2015 à Head of Research infrastructure program, University of Primorska, Slovenia
2015-2016 – project leader of the Slovenian – Croatian EU project »Comprehensive approach to the treatment and social and economic reintegration of illicit drug users«,
2008 – 2011 – project leader, Pharmacological protection against ischemic-reperfusion injuries and against degenerative processes in brain and cardiovascular tissues
2003-2005 – project leader of pharmacological evaluation of new peroral antithrombotic agents for Novartis (Lek Pharmaceuticals).
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