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Dialogues in Neurodegenerative Disorders

The nEUROcare team of Ljubljana University organized a conference titled “Dialogues in Neurodegenerative Disorders” on 6th and 7th of June 2024 at the Hotel Grand Union Euro Stars, Ljubljana, Slovenia, dedicated to the advancement of care and research in neurodegenerative disorders Its ambition was to overview the novel approaches and progress, uniting the minds from neuroscience, neurology, healthcare, psychology, novel IT applications and family perspectives. The participants had the opportunity to engage with leading experts, share ground-breaking knowledge, and be part of a community committed to making a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by neurodegenerative disorders. Further, it helps to reveal the novel pathways to better understanding, improved care, and ultimately, solutions to these challenges.

The aims of the conference was to build a bridge between scientific discoveries, medical and health care practice, psychological approaches and social care in people with neurodegenerative disorders and their families. Conference participants presented with the latest research findings on neurodegenerative disorders, innovative solutions, IT applications to the problems caused by neurodegenerative disorders and best practices in care. In addition, this conference offered the people affected by neurodegenerative disorders the opportunity to share their life stories and experiences to build a bridge between the academic and medical community and the people and their family members who are affected by these diseases daily.

Truly, the “Dialogues in Neurodegenerative Disorders helped by transferring cross-disciplinary knowledge between many professions and experiences of people with neurodegenerative disorders and their caregivers, we want to contribute to improving the quality of life of people with neurodegenerative disorders.

Members of the nEUROcare team was invited to share the knowledge and experience of the project with the conference attendees. Prof. Martin Persson (Coordinator of the nEUROcare project), Prof. Sudath Warnakulasuriya (University of Colombo), Dr. Prasanna Herath (Kotelawala Defense University), Dr. Bimba Wickramarchchi (University of Ruhuna), Ms. Renuka Dissanayake (University of Peradeniya) presented their perspectives on nEUROcare programme and on caring aspect of patients with neurodegenerative disorders at the conference.

Many Sri Lankan partners of nEUROcare project presented abstracts with the findings of their research activities related to neurodegenerative disorders.

Please see the programme
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